A balance sheet is often described as a "snapshot" of your financial situation at a single point in time. (Think of it as the balance in your personal checking account.) An income statement summarizes revenue, expenses and net income for the entire year or other period of time. Both of these financial statements are important tools to measure the success of your business, but do little to tell you where the cash actually went. Learn more about how cash truly moves through your business, how to prepare a cash flow budget and identify ways to put your working capital to work and increase shareholder value.
You will be able to discuss tools to manage cash flow.
You will be able to review and compare income financial statements to operating cash flow.
You will be able to identify the importance of timing.
You will be able to explain managing sources and uses of financing.
Suby, Von Haden & Associates, S.C.
[email protected]
Principal with SVA Certified Public Accountants, S.C. and leads the Construction Services Group. He is a certified public accountant advising construction clients to help them better understand their cost structure, with a specific focus on improving profitability. Assists clients in developing cash flow projections, analyzing overhead recovery methods, recommending tax structure, identifying areas of tax exposure, and determining specific opportunities for tax savings. Past president of the associate members of Associated General Contractors (AGC) of Wisconsin and a frequent writer on industry issues for local and national industry publications.