The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) has finally released its first block of information about the BE-12 survey that will be due in 2023. The BE-12 or an exemption form must be filed by all U.S. businesses by May 31, 2023.
There are a number of new requirements around digital enterprises that should be understood before filing. Practitioners should be aware of these filing requirements so that their clients do not miss this form and face high civil and criminal penalties for the failure to file this mandatory form that is only required every five years.
Learning Objectives:
Crystal Stranger holds a Juris Doctor of Law degree, is an Enrolled Agent (EA), EOS Integrator, and Senior Tax Director and CEO of Bringing over 20 years of finance, accounting, and leadership experience she enjoys helping startups stay focused on the big picture objective while maintaining an eye to the details and performing realistic risk assessments.
Cleer provides accurate, affordable, and efficient bookkeeping and tax services for US businesses and subsidiaries to help entrepreneurs do it right from the start. Cleer was launched to newly-formed businesses needing bootstrapped tax and bookkeeping to fit their budget and growth stage, and has grown over 5 years, 5 continents, and more than 3,000 Clients. Our tech-forward team is more streamlined with our paperless process to provide next-level results for your startup. Cleer also offers Delaware Franchise Tax Annual Reports, tax consultations, representation, R&D Tax Credits and other specialty consulting and compliance services, based on the unique needs of your business.